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In order to explore the plasticity of multiscale interactions between cancer cells and ECM, we used a Cellular Potts-based framework that phenomenologically unified diverse migratory phenotypes (dispersed, multimodal, bulk- and papillary- collective) into a phenotypic space, wherein the effect of specific microenvironmental cues on intermodal transitions can be predicted for experimental verifications (Pramanik et al, J Theo Biol, 2021).


Motivated by our speculations on the conducive conditions for multicellularity in evolution and cancer (Hamant et al, Evo Devo, 2019), we performed an artificial life-based study that shows that signaling and cooperation can evolve within discrete resource-utilizing and replicating populations under high rates of mutation (Figure 4; Kumawat and Bhat, BMC Ecol Evol, 2021). While not directly linked with our morphogenetic program, an interest in the evolution of N-linked glycoconjugation led us to bioinformatically investigate their exclusion from sites of disorder in human glycoproteins (Goutham et al, Sci Rep, 2020).


Email: ramray [at] iisc [dot] ac [dot] in

Phone: +91-80 -22932764

GA07, New Biological Sciences Building

Department of Developmental Biology and Genetics

Indian Institute of Science

Bangalore 560012 India.


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