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The nanobiology group: We have a long standing active group, with joint students and grants, using concepts from nano-physics and  -engineering with Prof Ambarish Ghosh (CeNSE, IISc) and Prof Deepak K Saini (MRDG, IISc). This has led to the demonstration of  intra- and extra-cellular  biomaterial rheologies using magnetically manoeuvrable nanorobots. 
Pal et al, Adv Mat (2017), Dasgupta et al, Angew Chem (2020), Pal et al, J Phys Cond Matt (2020)

The microfluidics group: We have begun an active group with Prof Prosenjit Sen (CeNSE, IISc) on the role of fluid behavior and the harnessing of microfluidics to investigating biology problems. This group consists of joint students and joint funding and has focused on microfluidically extracting cancer cells from fluid-like milieu. 
Rastogi et al, Analytica Chimica Acta, 2021

The morphogenesis group: We have been pursuing theoretical studies on the problem of developmental morphogenesis in the field of limb morphogenesis with Prof Stuart A Newman (New York Medical College) and Tilmann Glimm (Western Washington University). This is now extended to a larger group that will be focussed on computational-experimental-philosophical studies on morphogenesis in cancer and development. 
Bhat et al, Mech Dev, 2019

The cancer biophysics group: We have begun a collaboration with Prof Felix Rico and Dr Claire Valotteau at the Aix Marseille University Luminy campus. The collaboration is centered on correlating migration of cancer cells with differences in viscous and elastic properties of cells and their surroundings.

Other collaborators: 
Biomaterials: Bikramjit Basu, Materials, IISc
Nonlinear optics: Varun Raghunathan, ECE, IISc
Microfluidics: Bhushan Toley, Chem Eng, IISc
Glycobiology: Arun Dass, Griffith University, Australia
Chemistry of galectins: Ulf Nilsson, Lund University, Sweden
Structural glycobiology: Ashok Sekhar, Molecular Biophysics Unit, IISc
Phagocytosis: Siddharth Jhunjhunwala, Bioengineering, IISc



Email: ramray [at] iisc [dot] ac [dot] in

Phone: +91-80 -22932764

GA07, New Biological Sciences Building

Department of Developmental Biology and Genetics

Indian Institute of Science

Bangalore 560012 India.


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