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Group tattle​ ​​


December: Mallar presents the group's and his work in the ODAA Alumni Reunion workshop on cancer


December: We host Prof Senthil Muthuswamy, CCR, NCI for an informal group review and department seminar


December: Ramray gives a talk in the International Conference on Biomedical Engineering Singapore 2024

December: Shyamili wins best poster award at RYIM, Bengaluru


November: Shyamili defends her PhD thesis

November: Ramray anchors a discussion on ageing and longevity at the Bangalore Tech Summit, 2024


November: Inbasekar secures the DBT Research Associateship

November: Ramray reviews his research in the meeting of the EMBO communities in EMBO Heidelberg.

October: Madhumitha's paper accepted for publication in Biophysical Journal

September: Satyarthi gets the best oral presentation award at the CeNSE student research symposium  ​​


September: Ijas and Soujanya secure the Axis Bank fellowship for their PhD research​​


September: Ramray gets the IISc award for excellence in teaching


​​September: We host Prof Rahul Siddharthan for a department seminar


August: Satyarthi's abstract accepted for microTAS

August: Ramray secures the Yusuf Hamied Royal Society Travel Fellowship with Philip Pearce and Mohit Kumar Jolly​​

August: Inbasekar and Anchita help coorganize the Longevity India Industry conclave

August: We host Prof Tanmay Lele for a department seminar

August: Tanvi, Ijas and Soujanya join the group

July: Ramray presents our group's work at the National Cancer Institute, NIH at Bethesda​​​

July: Ramray participates in the final Templeton summit in Minneapolis, MN​


 June: Siddharth leaves the group to begin his PhD in the University of Chicago


June: Madhumitha leaves the group to begin her research fellowship at IIT Madras 


June: Krithjgnan leaves the group to begin his Masters in the University of Heidelberg


June: Vidhi leaves the group to begin her PhD in Mechanobiology Institute, NUS Singapore


June: Shyamili gives her PhD thesis colloquium

June: Madhumitha gives her MTech in Bioengineering thesis presentation

June: Harini gives her masters in life science thesis presentation

June: Prof Felix Rico and Dr Claire Valotteau visit our group as part of CEFIPRA/IEA collaboration exchange visits ​


June: Our group organizes Physics of Cells and Tissues 2.0 with Mohit Kumar Jolly's group

May: Group goes to Coorg for a lab retreat


May: Prasanna's paper on phenotypic heterogeneity in adhesion of cancer cells published in Biophys J

May: Ramray participates in the workshop on Flags, Landscapes and Gradients at IMSc Chennai

May: Siddharth gives a fab presentation of his undergraduate dissertation research


April: Ramray presents the group's work in the Workshop on Computational Oncology held in IIT Patna


April: Ramray presents the group's work at the mechanobiology Institute, NUS, Singapore


April: Ramray presents the group's work at the EMBO GIN meeting in NTU Singapore

March: Ramray gives two lectures in the workshop on "theoretical approaches in cancer progression and treatment" at ICTS

March: Ramray attends the 16th Young Investigator's Meeting in Bhopal as a mentor


February: Harini begins her exchange visit in the laboratory of Ann-Odile Huber at the Institut de Biologie Valrose, Nice France


February: The group sets up a stall and showcases its science on Open Day


February: Ramray delivers a lecture on Darwin Day at the Visvesvariya museum


February: Collaborative paper on NHE9 in colorectal cancer led by Hari Prasad with inputs from Mallar now published in Molecular Cancer Research


February: Ramray participates in departmental and institutional outreach at Bapuji Institute of Engineering and Technology at Davangere

February: Bidita participates in teaching as part of Science for Rural India outreach 


February: Ramray participates in departmental and institutional outreach at St Aloysius College in Mangalore


January: Ramray hosts Dr Amulya Sreekumar from UPenn for a seminar in DBG


January: Lab contingent travels to IACR 2024: Ramray and Shyamili give talks; Mallar Satyarthi, Nilesh and Harini present posters

January: Bharat's paper gets a press release from IISc

January: Madhumitha gives an oral talk in the 10th symposium of the Dept of Bioengineering, IISc

January: Bidita and Partha present posters in the 10th Symposium of the Dept of Bioengineering, IISc

January: Ramray hosts Prof Ganesh Namasivayam from Kyoto University for a seminar in DBG


January: Patent for the use of repurposable drugs in cancer awarded by IPO to Shruthi, Deepak and Ramray

January '24: Group alumna Megha visits us from Vancouver


January '24: Yogesh Saravanan from Felix Rico's lab in Aix-Marseille begins a one month group visit 


December '23: Jimpi gets the Genesis award for best PhD thesis  


December '23: Ramray co-organizes the IISc-IBM STEM for Girls workshop


December '23: Group alumna Anagha visits us from San Francisco


December '23: Prasanna presents his work as a flash talk and poster in the meeting on  "Simulating tissue dynamics with cellular Potts models" at Lorentz Center, Leiden.


December '23: Ramray and Mohit host Prof Philip Pearce from University College London for a joint DBG-BE seminar


December '23: Purba successfully defends her PhD thesis on ovarian cancer metastasis

December '23: Group alumnus Dharma visits us from Chicago

December '23: Mallar, Sudiksha, Krithjgnan and Harini win prizes in the intradepartmental science quiz Koioc


December '23: Ramray presents on international granting opportunities at the Regional Young Investigator's meeting at ILS Bhubaneshwar

November '23: Purba joins Demolish Foods as a research scientist

November '23: Prasanna secures diversity funds from the Lorentz Center to travel to workshop on multiscale modeling  at Leiden

November '23:Ramray presents updates on research under the Templeton grant at L’Institut d’histoire et de philosophie des sciences et des techniques (IHPST), Sorbonne, France


November '23: Ramray partcipates in a teacher training program at the IISc Challakere campus

November '23: Bidita secures a Prime Minister's Research Fellowship

October '23: Bharat's paper on the effect of mesothelial senescence on ovarian cancer published in Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences


October '23: Prasanna's first paper on heterogeneity of adhesion in cancer cell populations now in bioRxiv


October '23: Ramray gives a talk in the 4th meeting of the Indian Cancer Genome Atlas held at IISER Pune.


September '23: Nilesh presents his work on the tumor vasculature on chip in the 'Nanobiotechnology: beyond the conventional' conference in CeNSE, IISc 

September '23: Paper on the nonlinear dynamics of the limb pattern reaction-diffusion system accepted in Mathematical Biosciences

September '23: Paper with Samrat Chatterjee's group in THSTI on the role of neuraminidase inhibition in ovarian cancer accepted in iScience

July '23: Nikhita wins the Krothapally Satyanarayana and Vimaladevi Medal for her performance in the UG Biology program


July '23: Nikhita leaves the group to pursue her PhD at the University of California San Francisco

July '23: Monica ends her stint in the group and moves on to her PhD at the University of Wisconsin Madison

July '23: Prasanna successfully finishes his comprehensive evaluation and is now a PhD candidate

 July '23: Ramray presents a poster in the India Alliance Conclave in Hyderabad 

June '23: Purba presents a colloquium on her doctoral dissertation research

June '23: Ramray gives academy lectures at PSG College of Arts and Sciences in Coimbatore

June '23: We host Dr Sethu Pitchiaya from U Mich Ann Arbor for a seminar in DBG

June '23: Shyamili wins an ICMR travel award to attend the EACR 2023 Congress in Turin

June '23: Ramray participates in the 1st Franco Indian campus workshop of IISc with IIIT-D, Ashoka Uni, and the Université Côte d'Azur


June '23: We host Prof Kasturi Mitra from Ashoka University for a seminar in DBG.


June '23: Bharat leaves the group to join the graduate biology program at Vanderbilt University

June '23: Bharat's paper on senescence associated matrisomal phenotype now in bioRxiv


May '23: Satyarthi coorganizes a workshop on Finite Element Analysis in CeNSE

May '23: Krithjgnan joins the group as a project assistant to work on the dictyostelium-cancer project

May '23: Collaborative paper with Tapa Bhattacharya and his graduate student Sreepadmanabh (former group intern) is published in Biomedical Materials


May '23: Karthik, Nikhita and Bharat defend their undergraduate and masters thesis with aplomb

April '23: Prasanna selected for the Axis Bank PhD fellowship for the year 2023-24

April '23: Collaborative paper with Samrat Chatterjee, THSTI on metabolic models of ovarian cancer now in bioRxiv


April '23: Ramray is a visitor at the Laboratory of Adhesion and Inflammation at Aix-Marseille University, France


March '23: The morphogenesis group goes all out to showcase its science on Open Day 2023

March '23: Ramray co-organizes the NTU-IISc symposium on Health and Life Sciences at IISc 


February '23: Vishnu BS wins best oral presentation prize at the Seoul International Symposium on Surgical Oncology 2023


February '23: Ramray coorganizes Physics of Cells and Tissues symposium with

Mohit Kumar Jolly ​​

February '23: Biswadeep wins best poster award at the 3rd World Congress on translational cancer research, 2023

January '23: Jimpi defends her PhD thesis and leaves the lab to join Quynh Le's group at Stanford 

January '23: CVS Prasanna wins best poster award at IACR annual meeting 2023


December '22: Ramray joins the editorial board of the Journal of Biosciences

November '22: Ramray gives a talk in the 4th Australasian Glycobiology Symposium

November '22: Ramray gives a talk in the 3rd International conference series organized by Oncoseek Bio 

October '22: Navya Rastogi successfully defends her PhD thesis on circulating tumor cell isolation

October '22: Ramray gives a talk in the molecular and translational research conference at Sri Shankara Cancer Foundation, Bengaluru

October '22: Ramray gives a talk in the statistical biophysics program at ICTS, Bengaluru

October' 22: Sudiksha secures a PMRF fellowship through direct entry

October '22: Satyarthi successfully clears his comprehensive evaluation and is now a PhD candidate 

September '22: Satyarthi attends the mechanobiology of cancer summer school in Barcelona

September '22: Mallar successfully clears his comprehensive evaluation and is now a PhD candidate

September '22: Anu showcases our research on social amoeba in the science exhibition of Pravega 2022

August '22: Shyamili wins Genesis, DST and EMBO travel awards to attend an EMBO conference on cancer signaling in Croatia

August '22: Mallar wins an EMBO travel award to attend a EMBO conference on cancer signaling in Croatia

August '22: JImpi wins Genesis Travel Award to attend a winter school on bioengineering in Barcelona

August '22: Jimpi and Satyarthi's paper on ancient ECMs accepted for publication in Computational and Systems Oncology

August '22: Jimpi presents her thesis colloquium

July '22: Shahid leaves the group to pursue his PhD under the CiM-IMPRS Graduate Program at Uni Münster

June' 22: Jimpi attends, and presents her work in the Winter School on Engineered Systems in Barcelona

June '22: Ramray coorganizes the MERCK Stem for Girls workshop at IISc

June '22: Ramray speaks at C-DNA workshop at CeNSE, IISc
June' 22: Ramray interacts with PUC teachers from Odisha at Challakere campus, IISc

May '22: Anu, Jayita and Souvik join the laboratory as undergraduate interns

May' 22: Dharma and Shyamili's review on ECM as a driver of tumor heterogeneity accepted for publication in Physical Biology

May '22: Dharma, Mallar and Shahid's paper on Galectin-9 accepted for publication in ACS Chemical Biology

May '22: Navya presents her PhD thesis colloquium

April '22: Monica and Bharath successfully defend their masters and undergraduate research theses.
March '22: Ramray gives a talk in Clevergene, Bangalore

February '22: Dharma nominated for the C V Hanumantha Rao best departmental thesis Medal

February '22: Biswadeep Ghosh Roy joins the laboratory as a project associate

January '22: Ramray gives a talk on galectins at Galectio Inc; Mallar presents his first poster in the 8th annual symposium of BSSE 

December '21: Ramray joins the EMBO Global Investigator network

November '21: Research on "cellular agency in multicellular development and cancer" funded by John Templeton Foundation begins!
October '21: Ramray is associate professor, MRDG

September '21: Shahid rejoins the lab as a project assistant

August '21: Review with Stuart Newman and Tilmann Glimm on the synchrony of digit morphogenesis accepted in Biosystems 

August '21: Monica rejoins the lab to work on her Masters project on morphogenesis. Bharat joins the lab to work on his undergraduate thesis on senescence and cancer.

July '21: Jimpi's paper on ovarian cancer spheroidogenesis
published in Life Science Alliance

June  '21: Ramray is associate faculty, Bioengineering, IISc

May '21: Dharma's commentary on Gal-3 NT driven liquid-liquid phase separation published in PNAS

April '21: Durjay's paper on a unified framework on cancer migration gets published in the Journal of Theoretical Biology
April '21: Navya's paper on the turn effect in catching circulating cancer cells is published in Analytica Chimica Acta

March' 21: Dharma Pally successfully defends his PhD thesis!

Feb '21: Bhaskar's paper on heterogeneity within distcrete high mutator populations published in BMC Ecology and Evolution

Feb '21: Purba's paper on biphasic response of Collagen polymers to dermatan sulfates published in JBMR Part A

Jan '21: Ramray conferred with Prof. Priti Shankar Teaching Award for Science

Jan '21: Dharma's paper on breast cancer glycan heterogeneity is accepted for publication in ACS Central Science 

Sep '20: Paper with Ambarish Ghosh group  on nanobots detecting cancer ECM published in Angewandte Chemie


Email: ramray [at] iisc [dot] ac [dot] in

Phone: +91-80 -22932764

GA07, New Biological Sciences Building

Department of Developmental Biology and Genetics

Indian Institute of Science

Bangalore 560012 India.


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